First Steps Írta: Szilády 2018. július 13. 20:55 2021 előtti beszámolók 1146 Erasmus The project called “First Step” is the first Erasmus+ programme in our school. This way we assessed and planned the aims of advancement of our institution. We decided to improve further in foreign language teaching, the use of ICT, increasing the motivation of students and strengthening the technique of cooperative teaching. It was important for us to choose the appropriate courses based on the needs of our school. Consequently, it is assured that we are going to achieve our objectives established on our genuine needs. We worked together. Our psychologist, physiotherapist, system administrator, financial manager all help us, so we also involved these experts on whom we rely on during our daily activities. After the period of planning we prepare mobilities and tests. We are going to do the input tests in June 2018. There will be 8 colleagues participating in the courses in the summer of 2018. The teachers are going to practice what they learnt in the courses in their own teaching from the beginning of September and then they will create their new way of teaching in the aspects of the progressive methods. In the phase of dissemination, new experience is collected, published and presented. The supply of new techniques will be gathered in September and our new website will be released in October. We are going to share our knowledge with the help of our appropriate media in September and October. There will be radio reports and a news article each week with the participating teachers in the local newspapers. We will also involve inquiring parents and colleagues in this process of dissemination. Our open day will be the first initial opportunity for that. Following that there will be knowledge-sharing in our school. There will be lectures, methodological presentations on our Thursday meetings and we are going to organise open lessons to see the work of each other. We are going to establish a “Pedagogical Workshop” which will be available for all the teachers in our town in January, February, March and April. We will present these new ideas in other schools if it is required. In February, March and April, we are going to visit other reformed educational institutions with the agreement of the Reformed Pedagogical Institution, moreover, we will present our new ideas in conferences. In April and May, the experts will do and evaluate the output tests. They are going to make a collective professional evaluation about the results. During May, we will summarise the completed evaluations measured by the teachers and experts and make the account of our project. The manager of the project and the leader of the financial office will take part in this kind of work. At the end of May, we are going to conclude the programme with a closing event for the public too where we are going to make a report about the achievements.