Kiskunhalas Írta: Szilády 2022. október 20. 11:00 Állandó tartalom 3994 Kiskunhalas is located in Hungary, Bács-Kiskun county, 130 km south of Budapest, between Danube and Tisza in the highest part of the sand ridge in Kiskunság.. The population of the town is 28.285. The town of Kiskunhalas is located in Bács-Kiskun County, Kiskunhalas is located in Hungary, Bács-Kiskun county, 130 km south of Budapest, between Danube and Tisza in the highest part of the sand ridge in Kiskunság.. The population of the town is 28.285. The town of Kiskunhalas is located in Bács-Kiskun County, ,,Kiskunhalas is huge”, says the common saying. And indeed, the past and culture of the once vast wasteland show a very diverse picture. People have lived here since prehistoric times. Researchers have found traces of several settlements here. Fishing, hunting and farming also provided a livelihood for the locals. From time immemorial, military and commercial roads have been built in the area. People lived in this area all the time. Traces of Sarmatians, Avars and Celts can also be found. The Tartar invasion depopulated the population, but the settling Silaj Cumans gave new impetus to the countryside. In 1366, the name of the place is first mentioned in the diplomas. At that time Halas became a fair and pilgrimage town. It was destroyed several times during the Turkish era, but was resettled in the early 17th century. It has grown into the largest Reformed market town in the region. On October 5, 1703, one of the bloodiest battles of the Rákóczi War of Independence took place here. 234 kurucs remain on the battlefield, commemorating the statue of the Furious kuruc. From 1950, Kiskunhalas became part of Bács-Kiskun county in the council system. Kiskunhalas is known for its world-famous lace. The queen of laces, the lace of queens with its centuries-old values, is now not only Hungary, but also a worthy pride of the world. Hungarian hand-stitched lace was created by Árbád Dékáni, art teacher and the inventor of the new dress design piece was Mária Markovits, an underwear maker. Halas Lace was even given to: Habsburg IV. Károly, The Pope, Julianna Queen of Holland and Princess Diana. It is not only a work, but also the ambassador of Hungary, as many excellences received fish lace as a gift from the Hungarian state. The renewed main square was also inspired by the lace of Halasi. At its center is a peacock lit by led lights and streaks of light after sunset. The Halas lace can be viewed in the Lace House and we got other spectacles, for example a windmill or the Tájház (translated: Country House), where we can relive how Hungarian peasants lived. Kiskunhalas is also the hometown of the famous painter, János Thorma. His paintings are kept at the museum what holds his name, at Thorma János Múzeum (János Thorma Museum). Sights: St. John's Night Evening in Salty lake Park and the main square party series launched with the inauguration of the main square. The inner courtyard of the City Hall is also home to more and more cultural and musical programs. From March 2016, the City Spa has been classified as a spa. The beach in Halas with a thermal water temperature of 48 ° C is of paramount importance to the city, and we consider its development and innovation important. Work has already begun this year, with a new car park and a cobbled promenade waiting for those looking to recover and relax. Your browser doesn't support video. Please download the file: video/mp4