Introductions Írta: Szilády 2018. július 13. 21:12 2021 előtti beszámolók 1194 Erasmus A brief introduction to our teachers who are coming out of Erasmus + Csányi Ágnes Travelling to Florence. She has been an IT teacher managing matriculation exams for 25 years. She organises several programs within the school related to healthy lifestyle. She has been working in the local media for 5 years. She works in the local radio as the chief editor and reporter. Her assets are ability to work out new projects and to use IT tools effectively. She is a creative person with excellent communication skills. Her goal with this Erasmus Course is to get students to be able to formulate their own opinion within and also out of the school using audio-visual and social media opportunities. Csányi János Dániel Travelling to Barcelona. He graduated as an Applied Mathematician MSc, currently a Phd student in Mathematics conducting academic classroom practices. He is leading pre-university and competition-preparatory study groups within the school. His assets are strong, critical, logical way of thinking, good communication skills and patience. His aim with the course is to acquire new methods of teaching, to get acquainted with motivation methods and to strengthen emotional intelligence. Igás Andor Travelling to Dublin. He is a PE teacher within the school, who finished his teacher training schools in 2003, 2005 and 2016. In the region he is the one who established the sport called Crossminton. He is an honorary member of the Hungarian Speed Badminton Association; moreover, he is leading a Crossminton sport group within the school. He is currently preparing his team for the Crossminton World Championships in 2019. His main goal in PE classes is to strengthen students’ creativity, proactivity and motivation. Kelemenné Márkus Ágnes Travelling to Barcelona. She is a German teacher of the school and also a specialist with drama training who finished her teacher training schools in 2011 and 2015. Besides her role as a German teacher within the school, she is doing creative, enthusiastic and high-level work as a drama trainer and a theatrical educationist. Her aim is professional preparation for the matriculation and language exams in her language classes, developing self-expression and personality of her students in drama classes. Nagy Brigitta Travelling to Oxford. She has been an English teacher of the school since 2003. Besides her role as an English teacher, she is also a form teacher and actively takes part in the life of the Student Association, school projects and organizes school trips within the school. She would like to contribute to the future initiatives of the school by her own professional development, and she would like to share her experience with her colleagues. Németh István Travelling to Cheltenham, England. He is a Maths and IT teacher within the school. He is an expert in the field of matriculation exams. He understands that the fast changes in students’ needs and attitudes must bring developments in the teaching methods as well. In his previous workplace, he gained a wide experience in international work with English-speaking partners. Szűcs Erzsébet She is taking part in a course in Cambridge. In her opinion, students need to be actively involved in the process of language learning so they will be able to obtain real and useful knowledge. In her view, creative teaching is a feasible option. Participating in the course, her goal is gaining a broader view of the forms and strategies of creative teaching. She would like to get tools and ideas to increase creativity for her students and in her teaching. She wants to improve the motivation and engagement of her students, develop their skills in a more creative way in order to make their learning more effective. She also wants to share ideas with the other participants of the course Taskovics Zsolt Travelling to Edinburg: he has been an English teacher of the institution for 13 years teaching students from class 5 to 12. He has been involved in the secondary and advanced levels of the English school leaving exams. In addition, he has been an ECL language examiner within the ECL Centre. His assets are professional knowledge, persistence and teamwork, moreover, responsibility and commitment in his field. One of his main objectives is that he would like his students to love their subject and to be able to acquire it well. He hopes that the fruits of the storytelling course will be an integral part of his future teaching practice. With the help of this training experience, he would like to improve his knowledge and also share it with his colleagues.